Credit repair is a service in which Auxillis Services Limited provides vehicle owners who are involved in a non-fault road traffic accident with the means of funding their vehicle repair on a credit basis. Although Auxillis Services Limited fund the repairs, it is the repairing garage who are responsible for the standard of the repair. This service is not covered by your motor insurance.
Credit repair is only available from garages that have a pre-existing arrangement with Auxillis Services Limited; if your own garage does not have such an arrangement, Auxillis can put you in touch with a garage local to you who does.
For customers with comprehensive insurance, credit repair removes the expense of paying their policy excess and waiting to recover this from the "at-fault' party's insurer.
For customers with third party cover, credit repair removes the inconvenience of waiting for the 'at-fault' party's insurer to pay the claim in order to have their vehicle repaired or paying for the repair before recovering the cost from the other party.
To qualify for credit repair, Auxillis must be satisfied you were not at fault in your accident. You must be prepared to do what is needed to recover the repair charges from the party at fault. Whilst Auxillis will help you to recover the charges from the other party, you must actively help in the process (including going to court if needed) and must comply with the Group Credit Protection Policy and contract terms.
In the subject line of the email that we have recently sent you, or in the top left hand corner of any written correspondence that you have received from us.
Please check the details you have entered are exactly the same as those provided to us over the telephone and ensure you also have the following information readily available:
- Your Auxillis claim reference number;*
- Your date of birth, entered in the correct format as shown below;**
- Your postcode;
- Your vehicle registration number, entered without spaces between characters***
* Please ensure your 8-digit reference is typed directly into the field (not copied and pasted)
** Please ensure your date of birth is entered in the correct date format (dd/mm/yyyy) e.g. 01/01/1900
*** This is your vehicle registration and not the hire vehicle registration
If you still encounter difficulties, please contact us on 0344 6000 127 for further assistance.
We need your agreement prior to us arranging services to ensure that you fully understand the services being provided and your own obligations. If you have been offered credit hire or credit repair services it is not possible to recover these unless you have first entered into a contract to take the services of Auxillis Services Limited.
Credit hire is a service which provides drivers who are involved in a non-fault road traffic accidents with a replacement vehicle on a credit basis whilst their own is in for repair or until a settlement cheque is received and they are in a position to replace their vehicle.
To qualify for a credit hire vehicle, Auxillis must be satisfied you were not at fault in your accident and you must need a replacement vehicle to be able to continue with your normal day to day activities e.g. getting to work, taking your children to school, conducting your business etc. Additionally, you must be prepared to do what is needed to recover the charges from the party at fault. Whilst Auxillis will help you to recover the charges from the other party, you must actively help in the process (including going to court if needed) and must comply with the Auxillis insurance policy and contract terms.
To qualify for a credit hire vehicle Auxillis must be satisfied you were not at fault in the relevant accident and you must need a replacement vehicle to be able to continue with your normal day to day activities e.g. getting to work, dropping the children off at school, conducting your business etc. Additionally, you must be prepared to do what is needed to recover the charges from the party at fault. Whilst Auxillis will help you to recover the charges from the other party you must actively help in this process (including going to court if needed) and must comply with the Group Credit Protection Policy and contract terms.
Unfortunately if you do not agree to the Vehicle Hire Agreement, we are unable to provide any services to you at this time.
Unfortunately if you do not agree to the Statement of Truth, we are unable to provide any services to you at this time.
Unfortunately if you do not agree to the Repair Finance Agreement, we are unable to provide any services to you at this time.
So long as you comply with the terms and conditions of this policy and your contract with Auxillis Services Limited, this policy protects you from having to repay the hire and / or repair costs in the unlikely event that they are not recovered from the responsible party. The policy is independently underwritten. A summary of the Group Credit Protection Policy is stored in the My Documents section of this online service.
The policy requires you to give reasonable assistance in the recovery of hire and / or repair charges and this could mean attending court to assist in recovering your losses so you may be contacted at a later date for additional information or documentation if required.
Auxillis Limited manages the claims process.
Auxillis Services Limited provide the replacement vehicles and fund the credit repair and hire services, where applicable.
Yes, to make the documents larger or smaller simply click on the Zoom In or Zoom Out icons above the document.
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To agree the document you'll need to read it first, either by scrolling to the bottom, or clicking the 'Read Document' button on a mobile device. You'll also need to click the tick box with the acceptance statement. The 'Accept' button will be enabled for you to agree the document.
This means that you are ultimately responsible for the payment of the charges due to Auxillis Services Limited for their services; BUT
- if you use the credit hire or credit repair services you only pay if the charges are not recovered from the at fault driver or his insurers, and the loss is not covered by the Group Credit Protection Policy;
A password is required to ensure that your details and information continue to be as secure as possible.
In order to gain access you will need to create a password.
Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters including at least 1 number or special character (+, =, !, ?, £, &, *, $ etc...). An example could be password1, password£, password* etc.
We do not keep a record of this password, but if you happen to forget it, you can reset it as many times as you wish, just by clicking on the 'Forgotten Password' link. An email will then be sent to you to redirect you to the 'Set Password' screen
The email address which you have used may not match the email address that we have on our records for this claim.
If the combination of browser, version and platform appears on the list below, then it should be ok.
Browser Version Platform
Internet Explorer 10 Windows
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Firefox Latest version Windows
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If you have submitted your email address on the forgotten password screen, you should find details advising you of the steps you need to follow.
The site is optimised to work on a mobile device, you can use your smart phone to download, read and accept the documents.
We understand we don’t always get things right every time and sometimes customers will feel it necessary to complain. We take every complaint we receive from a customer very seriously, logging, investigating, resolving and reporting back to customers where our service has not met our usual high standards.
How to make a complaint
We deal with all customer complaints about Auxillis Limited's or Auxillis Services Limited's services in a fair and prompt way. Complaints can be made verbally or in writing via telephone, email or post. We find most complaints can be resolved by speaking directly to the team responsible for your claim. If you have a complaint about the Group CPP please follow the process set out in the policy summary.
To raise a complaint with us please:
- Call us on: 0345 142 2111 or email us at:
- Write to: The Quality Compliance Executive, Auxillis Services Limited, Redmond House, Fern Court, Bracken Hill Business Park, Peterlee, Co Durham SR8 2RR.
Complaints Process
We will contact you within five working days of receiving your complaint to confirm receipt and inform you of the action we plan to take. We will try to resolve the problem and provide an answer within four weeks. In some cases it may take us more than four weeks - but we will advise you of any further time we require - and you will receive a full and final response within eight weeks of the original complaint being made.
If you entered into your hire or repair agreements online and you have any unresolved complaint you may also use the European Commission’s online dispute resolution portal via this link -
If you experience any issues whilst trying to submit your details, please try refreshing the page and re-enter your information. Alternatively, please request a call back where one of our advisors will be happy to assist.
Your car Hire Vehicle will be insured by your car insurance provider at the time of the accident.
Policy holder and named drivers on your insurance policy are covered to drive the hire car. To add additional drivers please contact your insurance provider to update your policy details.
If you have a need for to extend the hire beyond the terms outlined in your policy, please contact your insurance provider to advise on next steps. You will be liable for any hire charges beyond the hire term which is covered by you policy entitlement.
Please use the callback function within the 'Need Any Help' box or the details can be found in your introduction letter/email.
Details of the hire branch relating to your hire can be found in the service center tab once your instruction has been created.
We ask for date of birth for insurance purposes and is a legal requirement for us to do so.
If your vehicle is undriveable, once you have completed and submitted your documents, we’ll contact you to arrange delivery of your replacement vehicle as soon as possible
If your vehicle is currently driveable:
- If you have advised us of the date that your vehicle has been booked in for repairs we’ll contact you to provide the replacement vehicle to coincide with this once you have agreed and submitted your documents
- If you haven’t agreed a booking in date with the repairers yet, please come back to the portal to enter the date once you have agreed it, if your insurer or the repairer provide the date to us in the meantime we will update this for you and arrange the replacement vehicle to coincide with this – you will then receive an email to confirm this has been done
Depending on the product you have purchased alongside your insurance policy, you will receive a small size van or a van of similar size to your own to keep you mobile, excluding any specifications (e.g., roof racks, tipper or refrigerated vehicles) Please refer to your insurer for more details.
This means that you are ultimately responsible for the payment of the charges due to Auxillis Services Limited for their services; BUT
- if your hire vehicle is arranged under your replacement vehicle policy or the insurer for the party at fault has agreed to pay for the hire you are only responsible for the hire charges if you stay in the vehicle for longer than the authorised period.
In addition, if you hire a vehicle from Auxillis Services Limited, you are responsible for payment of certain other charges in certain circumstances, such as for fuel used, returning the vehicle with insufficient fuel, for an excess if the hire vehicle is damaged, and for internal cleaning if the hire vehicle is returned in a poor condition. You must also pay any fines, penalties, road tolls, impound charges, congestion charges or other charges relating to the manner in which the hire vehicle is used. Fuller details of these charges are set out in the hire contract.
If you are not satisfied with our investigation and final response to your complaint you may be able to refer the matter to an appropriate regulator or industry body. Within our final response to your complaint we will advise you of the most appropriate body to contact. There are several bodies responsible for reviewing and arbitrating different elements of our service and it is important to select the correct one.
Complaints are often complex, but it should be escalated to the body most suited to considering the most significant element of your complaint. You may use the options below to identify the correct escalation process. If you are still uncertain about who to contact, please call us directly for assistance.
Any issues relating to the hire vehicle provided:
The BVRLA offer an Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADR) to consumers for matters related to the vehicle hire. Details of the service can be viewed here:
1. Using BVRLA's concilation service
2. ADR procedures
The BVRLA will attempt to resolve a dispute referred to them within 30 days.
You may contact the BVRLA directly by email at or post at:
BVRLA, River Lodge, Badminton Court, Amersham, HP7 0DD
Any issues relating to the repairs to your vehicle:
Promediate offer an Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADR) to consumers for matters related to the vehicle repairer and repair. Details of their services can be viewed here:
1. Promediate main site
2. Promediate contact us page
You may contact the Promediate directly by email at
or by telephone on: 0203 621 3908 or 07827 961 764.
Any Issues relating to the Group Credit Protection Policy:
The Financial Services Ombudsman offer and Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADR) to Consumers for matters related to the Group Credit Protection Policy. Details of their services can be viewed here:
1. Financial Ombudsman
2. Financial Ombudsman Complaints
You may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service directly by email at or by telephone on 0800 023 4567 (free to call on mobiles and landlines) or +44 207 964 0500 (if you are calling from abroad).
If you are having issues with agreeing The Repair Finance Agreement, please Click Here to watch a video on how to complete this. Once viewed, you can simply press 'back' on your browser to return to the portal.
If you are having issues with agreeing The Vehicle Hire Agreement, please Click Here to watch a video on how to complete this. Once viewed, you can simply press 'back' on your browser to return to the portal.